Företagsfotograf Stockholm latest studio photos
Företagsfotograf Stockholm
Here are the latest Företagsfoto s from our studio.
Företagsfotograf Stockholm
Here are the latest Företagsfoto s from our studio.
Fotograf Täby
Address Djursholmsvägen 33, Näsbypark 18352 Täby
Hours of Operation
Monday-Friday: 9am-6pm . Tel 0708-99-01-21
Saturday :Appt Only Sat 9 am – 11am – Appt Only -Tel 0708-99-01-21
Contact Info
Email Address: ianjohnsonphoto@gmail.com
Telephone: 0708-99-01-21
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Google Trusted Photographer Godkänd Fotograf What is it ?
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Godkänd Fotograf
Hur kan Företagsfoton hjälpa mitt företag?
När potentiella kunder söker efter ditt företag med namn på Google, ser de bilderna direkt på sökresultatsidan. Dessa panoramabilder publiceras även på sidor i Google+ Lokalt, Google Maps och på andra Google-webbplatser och ger kunderna en bättre uppfattning om utseende, inredning och företagets vackra interiör. Genom att använda lättanvända HTML-kodavsnitt eller Maps API går det även att länka till bilderna från företagets egna webbplats och därigenom lockas potentiella kunder att också besöka hemsidan.
Take two minutes and look at this video, this two minutes will change your business and will make a difference. Or email Ian Johnson Photo and I will send you this info just.
Well what is Google Business Photo
Well what is Google Business Photo
Google aims to put indoor images of businesses on Google Maps and Google Places profiles. The program now has a clear way to hook business owners up with photographers called “Trusted Photographers” initiative.
The job includes both high-res pics of your location (inside and out) as well as 360-degree panoramic views like this one
If you’re interested in getting better photos of your establishment or business website, all you have to do is hit the contact button here on the sit, I can explain exactly how it will work you will be surprised how simple it is.
How long will the photo shoot take?
In most cases, a photo shoot will take about an hour, but this varies depending on the size of your business.
What do I need to do to prepare my business ahead of the photo shoot?
You are welcome to clean and tidy things up prior to the photography session, but remember that the aim of the photographs is to show customers what they would expect to see if they visited your business on a normal day.
Which areas of my businesses will be photographed?
Photo shoots will include the main customer-facing areas of your business. We can work together to determine what areas of your businesses you would like to highlight, or even exclude from the shoot. Once again, the goal of the photographs is to show customers what they would expect to see if they visited your business on a normal day.
Will the photo shoot disrupt my business operations?
I know running a business myself I dont want distruptions , and that’s why I have designed the photo shoot to be as non-disruptive as possible. Part of the Trusted Photographers programme is to work around your schedule to ensure that photos are taken at a convenient time for you and your business. Photo shoots do not require any sort of special equipment, lighting or setup, so you are free to stay open. Although photo shoots are non-disruptive and should not interfere with your normal business operations, it’s a good idea to let your customers know photography is in process but this is something I would do myself , to avoid customers being in view of the camera, whenever possible.